It seems like almost all Forsythia is showy but ‘Show Off’® stretches the bounds of showiness with a display of bloom that is an incredible blast of golden yellow color in April and early May on a plant that is denser, rounder and more controlled than ‘Lynwood Gold’ could ever think of being! With deep, dark green foliage it takes on a neater, more refined look in the summer months and, like most Forsythia, it’s perfect for grouping to make a border planting, but it will do so in a much more confined area without growing you out of house and home!

Height: 3-5 Feet
Spread: 5-6 Feet
Zone: 3-8 
  • Bright yellow early spring flowers
  • Improved flower display
  • Compact
  • Deer resistant
  • Good for cut displays
  • Heat Tolerant

Homeowner Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Prefers a good loose soil, but will do well in any soil. pH adaptable and withstands city conditions and is air pollution tolerant. Pruning is best done immediately after flowering. Old stems can be removed or can be cut back to the ground. Shaping should be done at this time. Prefers medium moisture. Fertilize in early spring by applying a slow release fertilizer specialized for trees and shrubs. Follow the label for recommended rate of application.